Thursday, July 30, 2020

That New Slimline Card

I imagine long, slim cards have been created before, but they are attracting interest right now.

This Freshly Made Sketches challenge took me in a couple of directions.  The designer samples are all wonderful, and I checked out Pinterest as well.  That's when I was distracted by Kristina Werner's Distress Oxide blending. I decided I needed to try one for myself and use it for a Slimline card. The first attempt was a failure, so I took a break and then tried again. 
My favorite Stampotique floral image and an old Wordsworth stamp were all I needed to complete the card.


Tish said...

Good for you to try this. So glad you did. I love the way it turned out.
Can't imagine what your failure was. This blended well.
And...guess what--happy that you didn't use patterned paper since I still cant figure out what to do with all my papers.

Hope you are doing well and able to get back to your normal stuff.
And of course, no pain, etc.

Take care.

Linda Callahan said...

The inky background you created is beautiful! Wonderful design! Glad you shared it at FMS!

Leslie Miller said...

Yup, they're not a new thing, but I'm loving that they've come around in popularity again. You're very good with your designs. I'm thinking if I can keep the postage down I'll make some Christmas cards because I have some colored envelopes this size. Love your blended background and one of my favorite sentiments.

Karren said...

Wonderful ink-blending on your gorgeous card and the sentiment is fabulous! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

Karen Dunbrook said...

xx Karen

Kim S said...

That blend of colors and the beautiful big flowers are absolutely perfect with the sentiment - LOVE it all! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.