Thursday, September 12, 2024

Oh those Sunflowers!

 I live in a rural area where there are acres and acres of farmland growing a variety of crops.  For the past several years, there have been several giant fields of sunflowers ....this year, none!  It was such a shock when I went on one of my photo trips and couldn't find any sunflower fields.   However, I enjoyed this challenge, enough that I made two cards.   The big sunflower is a "double" image...the image is fussy cut and popped onto an underlying sunflower.  


Hello Double D fans,
it's time for a new challenge theme and it is 


Double D Challenges: Sunflowers Challenge (

Unity Image and Sentiment


Leslie Miller said...

Oh, gosh, Evelyn! Either one of these stamps/cards are perfect for the DD Sunflower challenge. Such detail and impact in the first, and a lovely brushstroke in the second with those wonderful stripes bordering. It's such a shame that the sunflower fields are gone. It's farmer's choice and I imagine a lot of work, but aesthetically speaking, the world could use more sunflower fields. Thank you so much for joining us at Double D.

Birgit said...

Two very delightful sunflower cards! They are both just wonderful. I love the dots and the stripes equally. Thanks so much for linking up with Double D Challenges. I wish you the best of luck in the draw.