Thursday, June 29, 2023

Handling the Pressure with a Butterfly

Anything Goes Embossing with a twist of BUTTERFLIES 

I had "butterfly" on the brain when I started this card, and I decided on a sunny yellow background.  I stamped and die-cut two butterflies for the embossed surface but wasn't happy with them.  What then?  I dug in a drawer of "ancient" floral and butterfly embellishments and found this butterfly.  From there, I chose cardstock colors that would coordinate with the wings...colors I would rarely choose otherwise. Green "jewels" finish the look...more of the very old "stuff."    I think I "handled the pressure." 


Lia said...

The butterfly is a gorgeous centerpiece and I like the embossingfolder you have used. It's a lovely, sunny card.
Lia xx

Leslie Miller said...

You had me at the yellow. I have this same folder (ahem) and the first thing I did when I got it was emboss a piece of yellow. It's in my collection of embossed and ready-to-use pieces. It's amazing how many of those I have. I like your idea with the butterfly, gems, and "happy". It looks like a beautiful sunny day!