I was one of the 189 ...yes, 189...lucky ones who participated in the 10th anniversary of the Altered Books Yahoo group. Corinne Stubson, a gifted alterer of books, had decided to make an anniversary book with pages from any member who contributed one. It quickly grew into a huge undertaking because 188 members sent pages from all over the world! Corinne laser-copied each one (adding one of her own, the cover, etc., etc) bound and mailed each one! The project took on a life of its own on her dining room table, requiring months of Corinne's dedication. Fantastic project by a fantastic woman. (The blue page is mine! The page on the left is the first in the book; it's by Abby Lazar of New York.)
1 comment:
Wow, what a huge undertaking. I can just picture all those pages and books all over her home! How wonderful that you were able to be a part of this and a treasured keepsake.
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